First Impression: A very brief introduction to Christianity looking at Jesus Christ through the eyes of his most trusted disciple without being preachy!

Living Word, Living Savior: A Portrait of Jesus Through The Eyes of John by Dr Andrew C S. Koh is an intimate portrait of Jesus Christ through the lens of John the Baptist. By walking through the gospel of John, Living Word, Living Savior: A Portrait of Jesus Through The Eyes of John dedicates a coinciding chapter to provide a summary specifically dedicated to worshipping Jesus.
I thank Dr Andrew C S. Koh for a copy of this book, and for the fresh insight.
The book uses simplicity in its retelling of biblical verses making it a book that serves both adults and children well. Readers using older versions of the Bible, or who are new to the faith might rely on this book as a companion to the Gospel of John. Aside from an aid, the book is also a useful way of learning of some of the key stories relating to Jesus, such as the feeding of the five thousand, turning water into Wine, walking on water, and the last supper.
Given the length of the gospel, the author might have made attempts to provide more detail per chapter. However, there is evidence of their own opinion woven throughout. What I probably appreciated most was that this was a simple presentation of facts rather than someone trying to push an agenda. The strong sense of neutrality meant there was no making a reader feel bad for not holding the same beliefs.
In terms of editing, the book showed no major concerns with spelling and grammar. There were, however, a couple of instances where an enlarged font was used. I’m not sure if it was intentional. Personally, I would keep to the same size text.
With the absence of profanity, and preaching, this book makes a good baptism/christening/ holy communion gift. It also serves as a gift for someone considering joining/converting to the Christianity faith or wanting a whistle stop tour of one of the religion’s leading figures. Overall, an informative book to devour over time with time for reflection between each chapter as you read alongside the Bible.
Quick Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐/ PG
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