Originally written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince was published in 1943. This is an over-simplified version of the classic novella.
The book acknowledges that the women selected are only a handful of the many successful figures that could have been included, further encouraging children to inspired.
Children of all ages will appreciate the authentic colorful illustrations that make use of Aboriginal traditional patterns. Young children will enjoy hearing the story read to them, emerging readers will enjoy the novelty of the subject
The story is inspired by a tadpole named Goliath that was far bigger than other American Bullfrog tadpoles. It was thought that owing to its size, Goliath would not change into a frog in the usual way, if at all.
Bold & Brave by K. A. Cummins does not disappoint with their attempts at producing this beautifully illustrated book aimed at 4–8-year-olds
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