The moral of the story taught Caillou not to depend on one person and to have an openness towards his family.
Frank Mastropolo’s Mum and Dad are Dinosaurs is exactly what the book set out to be. It is a humorous quick read sharing exaggerated recaps of his parents entering the 21st century, kicking and screaming.
Throughout the story, we are invited to peek at the children as they play games, put on a production, engage in a water fight, have fun baking, and generally have a memorable action-packed day.
Presented like an eighty’s mixtape, Nelle J gives us The Phoenix Tapes, complete with a Side A and a Side B. Starting with a fiery journey through love, lust, empowerment, triumph, and faith,’ Nelle J takes us on a feisty, upbeat, passionate journey.
I appreciated the references to Back to the Future, the thoughts shared about stepping away from poetry, and the eventual persistence for the poet to continue to display their art.
An absolute giggle and an eye opener that prepares one for aging happily through advice, poetry, plays, and more.
Children of all ages will appreciate the authentic colorful illustrations that make use of Aboriginal traditional patterns. Young children will enjoy hearing the story read to them, emerging readers will enjoy the novelty of the subject
The story is inspired by a tadpole named Goliath that was far bigger than other American Bullfrog tadpoles. It was thought that owing to its size, Goliath would not change into a frog in the usual way, if at all.
Bold & Brave by K. A. Cummins does not disappoint with their attempts at producing this beautifully illustrated book aimed at 4–8-year-olds
The journey starts with an overview of women’s health to include information about female physiology, hormones, and metabolism. It also debunks common myths
Recognizing some of the pangs of first/unrequited love, it was like a journey through one’s own past.
A cute little book written in prose with a questionable moral but adorable just the same.
Recognizing some of the pangs of first/unrequited love, it was like a journey through one’s own past.
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