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Tag adventure

An Adventure in a Human Village by A. F. Ayzouki

Will the humans get Auggie to laugh again? Will they right their wronged history? And what happens if they are unsuccessful in any of these?

Black Hole Radio: Labyrinthia By Ann Birdgenaw

When Mikey disappears, the friends have no choice but to follow him across the galaxy to bring him home. Hampered by alien slave owners, can the friends tame the hellion and endow the slaves and Mikey with their freedom?

The Folk Smuggler by Vid Weeks

The first chapter starts with a quick background about the stranded folk, who they are, and their distrust of humans.

Knocktopia, Secret of the Mother Lode by Hunter Malone

As I started turning the pages, what I actually got was recollections of The Goonies and Raiders of the Lost Ark meets Dickens. I knew within a few pages that I was going to enjoy the adventure ahead. 

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